JOIN US! We’re hosting a beach cleanup this Saturday, May 18th at South Ponto and we’d love your support.
What: Beach Cleanup
When: Saturday, May 18 | 9am – 11am
Where: South Ponto Beach (Carlsbad Blvd., Encinitas) *Look for our RMF tent located on the walk path to the beach from the parking lot. Just beyond the restrooms and in front of the steps that lead up to Alila Marea Resort.
Parking: At the southernmost end of South Carlsbad (north side of Alila Marea Resort) is a pay lot ($15 per vehicle). There’s also a limited amount of FREE parking on the outer edge of South Ponto Beach.
Bring: We’ll have reusable buckets / bags & trash grabbers available on a first come, first serve basis. But feel free to bring your own gear and we encourage you to bring your own REUSABLE GLOVES. Dress appropriate for the weather and wear sunblock. We hope to see you on Saturday at 9am!
SAVE THE DATE for June 8th at Seaside for a cleanup on World Oceans Day. Thank you in advance for helping us keep our coastlines clean.